Guided Meditations

The practice of meditation creates an opening, a way of accessing parts of the mind, allowing us to name our experiences of thought, feeling, and physical sensation. When we create space between what is happening in our minds and how we would like to respond, we feel a greater sense of inner peace and control.

As we practice, we may have glimmers of stillness and, with more practice, a greater overall experience of calm and quiet. The practice of connecting with ourselves deeply is fundamental for unconditional self-acceptance, which allows us to prioritize our needs, set realistic expectations, and experience greater resilience and well-being.

These are skills everyone can learn. These recordings were developed to share information on strengthening our awareness, boosting our mood, and helping us cope with daily struggles.


Special thanks to the following practitioners for sharing their practice, wisdom, and insights: Sharon Salzberg, Pema Chodron, Paul Gilbert, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Zindel Segal, Dennis Tirch, Laura Silberstein-Tirch, Kelly Wilson, Jillian Pransky, Sally Kempton, Jack Kornfield, Salle M. Redfield, Tara Brach, Tuere Sala, Julianna Raye, and Shinzen Young

Go to Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Amazon Music for Additional Guided Meditations